Something New

One Day


Friday, August 26, 2016

7:20 PM


One day

An angel walked the earth

Touched one and all

Not for one day

But for so many days

Reaching so far ahead of Him


So few knew

His voice reached out to so many

From the day He was born

A child’s scream

Calling out to one and all

Not for one day

But for all the days that followed

Reaching out so far ahead of Him


How many knew

His hands, His arms reached out to so many

Touching one and all

A smile reaching out

A heart so full it spills forth the soul

And a voice says yes one day

One day

All will know who I am

Who they are

One day

Everyone will know they have been touched

Everyone will know they are loved

One day



I am only what I am because of God and Jesus who each walked by my side and lifted me up every time I fell. All I can say is, thank you. Maybe, that is all God has ever really wanted. A thank you.